Tuesday, June 7, 2011

God's Gift: Tomato Tree Sprouted in Front Yard

 A few months ago, I notice a plant has sprouted in the front yard.  I thought it was a weed.  But again, I do not like to kill anything in nature.  So I told myself if it gets too big then I would get rid of it.  But as time went by, it grew taller, bigger and taller.  I told myself, "If I was that weed plant would you like it if someone came along and just ended my life by plucking it out of the ground?"  Of course, everything in nature wants to live a life to its fullest that God has given to everything in nature.  So I decided to let it grow and watered it with my leftover water from the Nalgene BPA Free water bottle everyday when I got home.  Eventually, it grew bigger and bigger.   And until one day, I notice there were TOMATOES growing from this PLANT that I thought was a weed since I didn't plant any tomato seeds in the front yard.  I never planted a tomatoes plant until recently when I bought a tomato plant from Costco which recently died.   Now this plant is giving me so many tomatoes.


It’s all about loving nature and nature will give back.  It’s all about giving good karma and good karma will provide you with all your needs.  I truly believe this tomato plant was blessed from God/Mother Nature since in this area, I used to bury all my compost piles next to these rose bushes in front yard.  Or maybe it was one of the birds who pooped tomato seeds onto this front yard area.  It doesn't matter which method this tomato plant was planted somehow, it is alive and well now.



I also have another stray tomato plant growing in the backyard which mysteriously grew without me planting any tomato seeds (will post pictures soon).  I truly cherish this time off from work to start a new chapter of my life: new gig that is fulfilling in every aspects.

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