In July 2010, I decided it was time for me to share with the Online World about frugal and green tips. The knowledge that my parents have passed on to me has worked for them and myself. My experiences might also help people learn from it. This blog is about sharing frugal & green tips with everyone.
We can all make a difference in this world if we share our knowledge.
Everyone has a purpose in life! Do you know what your purpose on this Earth is?
Thanks for reading my blog!
Make a Difference in this World if We Share our Knowledge!
http://madamfrugal.blogspot. com
We can all make a difference in this world if we share our knowledge.
Everyone has a purpose in life! Do you know what your purpose on this Earth is?
Thanks for reading my blog!
Madam Frugal :)
Sharing Frugal & Green Tips with EveryoneMake a Difference in this World if We Share our Knowledge!